Tag: Wealth Management

Building Better Portfolios: The Role of Alternative Investments with Shana Sissel (Ep. 43)

Building Better Portfolios: The Role of Alternative Investments with Shana Sissel (Ep. 43)

Are you ready to dive into the world of alternative investments? In this episode of the March to a Million podcast, Greg DuPont is joined by Shana Sissel, known as the “Queen of Alts,” to explore how innovative platforms like Shana’s Banrion Capital are revolutionizing investment opportunities for financial advisors.

Greg and Shana delve into the evolving landscape of alternative investments, breaking down barriers that have kept many advisors—and their clients—out of this space. They discuss the importance of integrating diversified investment options into portfolios to better serve clients’ needs. With Shana’s insight, you’ll learn about the exciting potential of alternative investments to provide uniqueness and impact in ways traditional investments cannot. 

Tune in to discover:

  • (02:15) How Banrion Capital is changing advisor access to alternative investments
  • (15:24) The importance of building better client-advisor relationships through tailored investment strategies
  • (19:39) The role of alternative investments as a diversification tool
  • (27:00) Greg’s strategic vision for empowering advisors through holistic financial solutions 
  • And more

Join Greg and Shana in unraveling the complexities of alts to find new opportunities that align with clients’ financial and personal goals. 

Connect with Greg DuPont:

Connect With Shana Sissel:

About Our Guest:

For two decades Shana Orczyk Sissel has climbed the ladder of the financial services industry. As Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Banríon Capital Management Shana helps financial advisors navigate the complex world of alternative investing, assisting with investment platform development, alternatives in portfolio construction and developing best practice in alternative investment due diligence. 

Dubbed the “Queen of Alternatives” by her peers. Shana is a sought-after speaker & media contributor, appearing frequently at industry events and on major financial news outlets like CNBC, Fox Business Network, Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, Reuters and the Schwab Network.

Shana has maintained fierce, outspoken advocacy for her fellow women in finance for the duration of her career — acting as a mentor for many other young women navigating the battlefield of a male-dominated industry. Having overcome many obstacles to achieve success in her own career, she leverages her personal social media following to speak out for the recognition and support of women in her field. As a member of Women in ETFs, Shana has become a spokesperson for their Speaker’s Bureau, with the goal of improving public representation of females in industry-oriented events and conferences, as well as in financial media.

The Biggest Highlights from the March to a Million Podcast (Ep. 15)

The Biggest Highlights from the March to a Million Podcast (Ep. 15)

Over the last 14 episodes of the March to a Million podcast, we have shared a significant amount of valuable information about the Wealth Solutions Network and how attorneys can play a vital role in their client’s financial well-being.

Today, we do a recap of all these details and more!

In this episode, Greg DuPont recaps the key points and greatest hits of previous shows. He touches on the birth of the Wealth Solutions Network and the six pillars that form its foundation. Additionally, Greg shares a success story and describes the ideal member for WSN.

Greg discusses: 

  • The genesis of his idea to positively impact 1 million lives by creating an army of financially minded attorneys
  • The six pillars that form the foundation of the Wealth Solutions Network and how they work together to provide solutions
  • The upcoming transfer of wealth and how estate planning attorneys can play a crucial role in this process
  • A success story of how he helped a client inherit a significant amount of wealth and retire comfortably, highlighting the effectiveness of the system
  • The ideal candidate for joining the Wealth Solutions Network
  • His goal for the Founders Club and the purpose of stress testing and establishing proof of concept
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont:

The Third Pillar of Financial Advocacy: Wealth Enhancement (Ep. 6)

The Third Pillar of Financial Advocacy: Wealth Enhancement (Ep. 6)

The concept of wealth enhancement goes beyond accumulation.

It’s about having the mindset of empowerment and protecting wealth to achieve personal goals. 

What are the essential factors to consider when it comes to clients?

In this episode, Greg DuPont talks about the third pillar of financial advocacy, wealth enhancement, as well as three secrets about it. He explores the importance of prioritizing a simple, fulfilling life and leaving a legacy and the role of math in wealth enhancement, focusing on understanding values and communicating results effectively. In addition, Greg touches on the power of savings and the potential of alternative assets when diversifying.

Greg discusses: 

  • The three secrets of wealth enhancement
  • Why people in retirement want a simple lifestyle and to leave behind a legacy, not an extravagant lifestyle
  • The role of math and communication in wealth enhancement when it comes to influencing and assisting clients
  • Why the investment world’s math can be disingenuous
  • An explanation of the Monte Carlo tool and its connection to gambling casinos
  • The importance of enhancing our wealth to protect ourselves from external risks
  • The importance of diversifying investments beyond traditional asset classes
  • The role of financial advocates in addressing known risks and providing resilience for unknown risks
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont:

The First Pillar of Financial Advocacy: Wealth Management (Ep. 3)

The First Pillar of Financial Advocacy: Wealth Management (Ep. 3)

Financial advocacy is divided into six fundamental pillars that teach attorneys how to serve their clients better in their financial affairs.

Wealth management, wealth preservation, wealth enhancement, wealth accumulation, wealth transfer, and the financial advocacy mindset.

In this episode, Greg DuPont talks about the first of the six pillars of financial advocacy, wealth management. Greg highlights why attorneys need to have valuable conversations with clients about their wealth while exploring how his team can help you find the answers to your questions.

Greg discusses: 

  • His definition of wealth management 
  • His evolution as a wealth manager, from being a captive agent to realizing the importance of low-cost fixed index investing and structures that drive the outcome
  • Reasons why members of his network don’t need to have all the financial answers for their clients
  • The licensing component needed to fulfill the wealth management pillar
  • The three S’s for the average investor 
  • How his back office can provide investments solutions and support for members of the network
  • Why he believes that traditional wealth management doesn’t work and how his system focuses on using the right tools to preserve wealth
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont: