Tag: Retirement

The Human Element in Financial Advisory with Lindsay Troxell (Ep. 25)

The Human Element in Financial Advisory with Lindsay Troxell (Ep. 25)

The process of transitioning into retirement involves more than just financial planning; it involves psychological and emotional preparation as well.

How can attorneys and financial advisors provide a more holistic service that addresses the human side of retirement? How can they help clients navigate the emotional complexities of leaving their work identity behind?

This week, Greg DuPont chats with Lindsay Troxell, Founder, CEO, and Head Coach At Our Coaching Initiative. They explore the importance of understanding clients’ emotions, the impact of exhaustion on retirement dreams, and strategies for attorneys and advisors to connect more deeply with their clients.

They discuss:

  • The significance of coaching in the financial advisory space and how it can enhance client relationships
  • The challenges clients face when transitioning from work life to retirement, particularly in terms of emotional readiness and identity
  • The importance of managing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy for a fulfilling retirement
  • How advisors can help clients redefine their purpose and identity post-retirement
  • The art of asking the right questions to facilitate deeper conversations and connections with clients
  • How advisors can overcome feelings of inadequacy when stepping into a coaching role
  • Encouraging a growth mindset among advisors to move from merely surviving to thriving in their profession
  • And more!



Connect With Lindsay Troxell:

Connect with Greg DuPont:


About Our Guest:

Lindsay Troxwell is a Certified Life Coach and International speaker changing the landscape of financial services. Since 2005, Lindsay Troxell has worked on thousands of teams across the United States and in Europe with a focus on practice management, business development, client experience, team dynamics, and mindset.

The Membership Levels of the Wealth Solutions Network (Ep. 10)

The Membership Levels of the Wealth Solutions Network (Ep. 10)

You may have heard about the advantages that estate planning attorneys can gain by becoming a part of the Wealth Solutions Network through our podcasts. 

However, you may be curious about how to participate in a way that matches your goals.

Today, we are here to assist you with that!

In this episode, Greg DuPont explains the different membership levels offered by the Wealth Solutions Network, including mindset, skill set, tool set, and leadership. Each of these levels provides attorneys with various benefits and resources to enhance their knowledge, skills, and business success.

Greg discusses: 

  • The transformative vision of the Wealth Solutions Network and its multi-level membership structure for estate planning attorneys
  • The benefits of the Mindset Level, emphasizing its core values, access to a community of like-minded attorneys, newsletters, referral tools, and more
  • The Skill Set Level, which includes marketing support and access to the Advocate Access and the Advocate Aware programs
  • The Tool Set Level, which offers turnkey solutions, back office support, and emphasizing problem-solving over product sales
  • The Leadership Level, emphasizing the opportunity to mentor and support other WSN members
  • The opportunity for estate planning attorneys to help baby boomers with their retirement and the importance of being prepared for the wealth transfer
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont:

The Third Pillar of Financial Advocacy: Wealth Enhancement (Ep. 6)

The Third Pillar of Financial Advocacy: Wealth Enhancement (Ep. 6)

The concept of wealth enhancement goes beyond accumulation.

It’s about having the mindset of empowerment and protecting wealth to achieve personal goals. 

What are the essential factors to consider when it comes to clients?

In this episode, Greg DuPont talks about the third pillar of financial advocacy, wealth enhancement, as well as three secrets about it. He explores the importance of prioritizing a simple, fulfilling life and leaving a legacy and the role of math in wealth enhancement, focusing on understanding values and communicating results effectively. In addition, Greg touches on the power of savings and the potential of alternative assets when diversifying.

Greg discusses: 

  • The three secrets of wealth enhancement
  • Why people in retirement want a simple lifestyle and to leave behind a legacy, not an extravagant lifestyle
  • The role of math and communication in wealth enhancement when it comes to influencing and assisting clients
  • Why the investment world’s math can be disingenuous
  • An explanation of the Monte Carlo tool and its connection to gambling casinos
  • The importance of enhancing our wealth to protect ourselves from external risks
  • The importance of diversifying investments beyond traditional asset classes
  • The role of financial advocates in addressing known risks and providing resilience for unknown risks
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont: