Tag: Mindset

The Success of WSN’s Founder’s Club (Ep. 16)

The Success of WSN’s Founder’s Club (Ep. 16)

The journey of professional growth and collaboration is always a cause for celebration. 

Today, we take a moment to acknowledge the significant milestone achieved by the Wealth Solutions Network (WSN) while also reviewing the ‘greatest hits’ of knowledge that Greg has brought to the show over the last several months.

Greg DuPont celebrates the official closing of the Founder’s Club for the Wealth Solutions Network (WSN), with 10 members signed up and more considering joining. The network offers learning opportunities for attorneys at all stages of their careers and Greg emphasizes the power of networking to fuel growth. 

Greg discusses: 

  • The official close of the Founder’s Club within the Wealth Solutions Network and the positive response they have received
  • The excitement of having ten members in the Founder’s Club, as well as expectations for future members and the potential for further growth
  • The formation of a vibrant community within the Founder’s Club.
  • The importance of delivering personal support and hand-holding to the members
  • How the message of the Wealth Solutions Network resonated with the target audience and attracted like-minded individuals who want to fulfill the mission
  • How attracting the core group of members was achieved through a combination of networking, social media, and effective lead funnels
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont:


The Role of Influence in The Mindset Pillar of Financial Advocacy (Ep. 11)

The Role of Influence in The Mindset Pillar of Financial Advocacy (Ep. 11)

Switching the mindset from selling to influencing is a game-changer.

The top advisors in the financial industry don’t sell – they let people come in pre-sold. 

This approach helps build trust and, eventually, strong relationships with clients.

What steps can estate planning attorneys take to become more influential with their clients?

In this episode, Greg DuPont and Matt Halloran share the sixth pillar of financial advocacy: Mindset with a shift into the importance of being influential. They explore the art of influence over sales and the importance and power of effective listening as attorneys. Greg and Matt also delve into building trust and the importance of authenticity and humility.

Greg and Matt discuss: 

  • How top advisors focus on building influence rather than selling
  • Greg’s journey of transitioning from using convincing arguments to being more influential
  • The need for experts to present their views in an easily understandable way for people to accept
  • The difference between sales and influence
  • The importance of stepping into your authority and using a humble approach to build trust in professional relationships
  • The challenge of gaining trust as a financial advisor in a world of readily available information and the importance of providing insight over opinion
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont:

Connect with Matt Halloran:

The Financial Advocacy Mindset for Legal Professionals with Ben Glass (Ep. 5)

The Financial Advocacy Mindset for Legal Professionals with Ben Glass (Ep. 5)

Being a legal professional requires more than just legal knowledge. It also requires empathy, understanding, and the ability to make a positive impact on clients’ lives.

What’s the mindset we must follow with our clients?

In this episode, Greg DuPont sits down with Ben Glass, owner and attorney at BenGlassLaw and founder of Great Legal Marketing. Greg and Ben talk about the sixth pillar of financial advocacy: mindset. Ben shares the importance of being more than a lawyer to clients and the mindset lawyers and attorneys must consider to level up their practice.

Ben discusses: 

  • His journey of starting his own practice and the importance of being a life coach to clients
  • His mindset transition to start worrying more about his clients’ lives
  • The commoditization in the legal, financial, and insurance professions, and why it is essential to strengthen relationships with clients
  • Overcoming ethical considerations and misconceptions in the legal profession
  • The impactful role of Great Legal Marketing in helping lawyers build successful and differentiated practices
  • And more!


Connect With Ben Glass:

Connect with Greg DuPont:

About Our Guest:

For over a decade, attorney Ben Glass has been teaching hundreds of solo and small firm lawyers around the globe how to market ethically and effectively using education-based, direct-response style marketing.

Ben continues to practice law at his own personal injury and ERISA long-term disability firm near Washington, D.C., is the author of 14 books, and has gained national recognition for his ability to take marketing ideas that are working in other industries and ethically apply them to the legal field. As the founder and owner of Great Legal Marketing, Ben helps attorneys attract better clients and make more money without missing out on time at home with family.

Ben is the father of nine children, four of whom are adopted from China. He is an avid athlete, business advocate, and soccer referee. Ben works with the charity Love Without Boundaries, which provides healing homes and needed surgeries for orphans in impoverished countries, and he has run five Marine Corps Marathons on their behalf. Above all, Ben believes in the success of the solo and small firm attorney and the power of education-based, direct-response marketing.

Get to Know Your Host: Greg DuPont (Ep. 2)

Get to Know Your Host: Greg DuPont (Ep. 2)

In our inaugural episode, we got to find out a little bit about Greg’s history and most importantly, the idea behind March to a Million podcast and The Wealth Solutions Network. 

In this episode, Greg DuPont shares a little about himself and how he makes a positive impact on the world. He talks about his personal story, what he likes doing in his free time, his motivations for starting the March to a Million movement, and the mindset he maintains daily to grow personally and professionally.

Greg discusses: 

  • What he does to recharge and unwind
  • What he would do with his time if he had all the money and didn’t have to work
  • His advice and recommendations for family, friends and clients
  • How his father’s example of constant lifelong learning influenced him
  • His definition of success 
  • The daily mantra that keeps him focused
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont: