Tag: Estate Planning

Awakening to Risk: Attorneys and the Future of Markets (Ep. 26)

Awakening to Risk: Attorneys and the Future of Markets (Ep. 26)

In the face of impending market changes, how can families plan to safeguard their financial future?

In this episode of March to a Million, Greg DuPont explores the urgent need for a seismic shift in how we perceive financial planning and the crucial role attorneys play in this transformation. He digs into the pressing issues facing the financial market and the impending changes that could reshape our financial futures.

Greg discusses: 

  • His epiphany about the future of the market and its impact on his clients
  • The significance of the 100th anniversary of the Great Depression in relation to current market conditions
  • Strategies for protecting family wealth, including offloading risk and exploring alternative investments
  • The role of insurance companies in providing stability during economic downturns
  • The potential of Bitcoin and real estate as alternative investment options
  • The importance of guaranteed income and the dangers of forced asset liquidation during market crashes
  • Roles that attorneys play in financial advocacy to protect clients’ interests in a comprehensive manner
  • And more!


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The Human Element in Financial Advisory with Lindsay Troxell (Ep. 25)

The Human Element in Financial Advisory with Lindsay Troxell (Ep. 25)

The process of transitioning into retirement involves more than just financial planning; it involves psychological and emotional preparation as well.

How can attorneys and financial advisors provide a more holistic service that addresses the human side of retirement? How can they help clients navigate the emotional complexities of leaving their work identity behind?

This week, Greg DuPont chats with Lindsay Troxell, Founder, CEO, and Head Coach At Our Coaching Initiative. They explore the importance of understanding clients’ emotions, the impact of exhaustion on retirement dreams, and strategies for attorneys and advisors to connect more deeply with their clients.

They discuss:

  • The significance of coaching in the financial advisory space and how it can enhance client relationships
  • The challenges clients face when transitioning from work life to retirement, particularly in terms of emotional readiness and identity
  • The importance of managing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy for a fulfilling retirement
  • How advisors can help clients redefine their purpose and identity post-retirement
  • The art of asking the right questions to facilitate deeper conversations and connections with clients
  • How advisors can overcome feelings of inadequacy when stepping into a coaching role
  • Encouraging a growth mindset among advisors to move from merely surviving to thriving in their profession
  • And more!



Connect With Lindsay Troxell:

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About Our Guest:

Lindsay Troxwell is a Certified Life Coach and International speaker changing the landscape of financial services. Since 2005, Lindsay Troxell has worked on thousands of teams across the United States and in Europe with a focus on practice management, business development, client experience, team dynamics, and mindset.

Embracing Generational Differences in the Great Wealth Transfer (Ep. 24)

Embracing Generational Differences in the Great Wealth Transfer (Ep. 24)

The great wealth transfer is a monumental event, and attorneys must adapt to generational differences to capture this opportunity.

How can attorneys effectively communicate and market to different generations? What strategies can they employ to engage with a younger, more digitally savvy audience?

In this episode of the March to a Million podcast, Greg DuPont explores the importance of understanding generational nuances in marketing, especially in the context of the great wealth transfer. They explore the impact of financial events on younger generations and the necessity of creating content that resonates with Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z.

Greg discusses: 

  • The distinct marketing approaches required for different generations and the misconceptions attorneys may have
  • The shift from traditional word-of-mouth marketing to building a foundation of social proof for younger audiences
  • The importance of creating convenient, bite-sized content for digital platforms to attract the next generation
  • The need for attorneys to focus on the outcomes and feelings their services provide, rather than just the technical aspects
  • The benefits of utilizing owned media like print newsletters and websites to control the message and build credibility
  • Effective strategies for converting conversations into client engagements without hard selling
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont:

Transformative Personal Growth in Entrepreneurship (Ep. 19)

Transformative Personal Growth in Entrepreneurship (Ep. 19)

Don’t rest on your laurels! Personal growth is a crucial factor for attorneys and entrepreneurs who want to achieve success and fulfillment in their businesses and lives. 

In this episode, Greg DuPont explores the power of personal growth and development for attorneys and entrepreneurs drawing on lessons from Tony Robbins’ “Date with Destiny.” Greg also dives into historical wisdom from figures like Napoleon Hill and Dan Sullivan, emphasizing mindfulness and seizing opportunities for development. 

Listen in as Greg also highlights the coaching culture at Wealth Solutions Network and the importance of community support.

Greg discusses: 

  • His decision to focus on personal growth and development, influenced by his increasing role as a coach
  • The reliance on research in the systems of Tony Robbins and Dan Sullivan
  • Napoleon Hill’s influence and the impact of his work on success principles
  • His plan to maintain balance, leadership, and focus as the March to a Million initiative grows
  • The power of setting intentions and designing your future to attract opportunities and tools
  • A story illustrating the power of the subconscious, healing, and the cosmic elements of life
  • The coaching-centric culture at Wealth Solutions Network and its impact on client relationships and professional growth
  • And more!



Connect with Greg DuPont:

The Potential of Annuities (Ep. 18)

The Potential of Annuities (Ep. 18)

Annuities are financial products that offer an income stream, usually for retirees.

However, annuities also have some drawbacks, such as fees, surrender charges, and tax implications. 

How can attorneys help their clients in this subject? Can they fit into their estate plans?

In this episode, Greg DuPont explores the world of annuities. He dives into the reasons behind the hesitation towards annuities, highlighting the disconnect between the product’s benefits and public perception. Additionally, Greg also touches on the evolution of annuities, distinguishing between variable and fixed indexed annuities, and emphasizes the importance of understanding annuities as a tool for preserving, protecting, and transferring assets.

Greg discusses: 

  • The negative perception of annuities and the high demand for the product
  • The various types of annuities, including fixed, variable, and indexed annuities
  • Important factors to consider when selecting annuities
  • A potential market disruption and the role of fixed indexed annuity in providing a financial safety net
  • The importance of providing certainty and control to clients, especially during uncertain market times
  • The importance of continuing to learn annuity principles and incorporating them into estate planning 
  • And more!



Connect with Greg DuPont:

The Hidden Dangers & Benefits of Life Insurance Policies with David Kottler, J.D., C.A.P. (Ep. 17)

The Hidden Dangers & Benefits of Life Insurance Policies with David Kottler, J.D., C.A.P. (Ep. 17)

Life insurance is more than just a way to protect your loved ones in case of your death. It has the potential to be a powerful tool to enhance your wealth, optimize your taxes, and secure your financial future. 

However, not all life insurance policies are created equal, and many people are unaware of the hidden risks and opportunities that lie within their contracts. 

In this episode, Greg DuPont sits down with David Kottler, The Life Insurance Doctor, to explore the power of life insurance as a wealth protection tool. They touch on the concept of “DOA” (Dead on Arrival) and the critical issues that lead to policy lapses. David shares real-life success stories where he helped clients maximize retirement income and avoid financial loss.

Greg and David discuss: 

  • David’s background as The Life Insurance Doctor
  • The waste that occurs with life insurance policies and the importance of a policy review to eliminate this waste
  • The three critical problems that lead to life insurance lapses: design flaws, omission to fund the policy properly, and a lack of professional review
  • Real-life cases where clients faced potential financial pitfalls with life insurance policies
  • The need for advocates to prioritize clients’ interests, insisting on independent professional reviews
  • And more!


Connect With David Kottler:

Connect with Greg DuPont:


About Our Guest:

David Kottler has helped clients generate over $10MM of cash and tax benefits in the past 12 months utilizing his “True Value” Life Insurance Review Process. Clients need advocates for their life insurance portfolios to both bring the needed information regarding their rights and values as well as uncovering hidden problems and resolving them. Life insurance is a complicated contract with many nuances that most clients and advisors are not aware of.

It is gratifying for him to be in a position to help such clients and enable them to meet their family and legacy goals through his work. His passion is philanthropy. There is a great need for education and guidance for high net-worth clients who wish to align their life goals with their hard-earned wealth to enable them to understand the “Why” component of their planning. His objectives are to collaborate with clients and his strategic relationships to produce the best results for them financially and philanthropically.

The Success of WSN’s Founder’s Club (Ep. 16)

The Success of WSN’s Founder’s Club (Ep. 16)

The journey of professional growth and collaboration is always a cause for celebration. 

Today, we take a moment to acknowledge the significant milestone achieved by the Wealth Solutions Network (WSN) while also reviewing the ‘greatest hits’ of knowledge that Greg has brought to the show over the last several months.

Greg DuPont celebrates the official closing of the Founder’s Club for the Wealth Solutions Network (WSN), with 10 members signed up and more considering joining. The network offers learning opportunities for attorneys at all stages of their careers and Greg emphasizes the power of networking to fuel growth. 

Greg discusses: 

  • The official close of the Founder’s Club within the Wealth Solutions Network and the positive response they have received
  • The excitement of having ten members in the Founder’s Club, as well as expectations for future members and the potential for further growth
  • The formation of a vibrant community within the Founder’s Club.
  • The importance of delivering personal support and hand-holding to the members
  • How the message of the Wealth Solutions Network resonated with the target audience and attracted like-minded individuals who want to fulfill the mission
  • How attracting the core group of members was achieved through a combination of networking, social media, and effective lead funnels
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont:


The Fourth Pillar of Financial Advocacy: Wealth Accumulation (Ep. 8)

The Fourth Pillar of Financial Advocacy: Wealth Accumulation (Ep. 8)

Embarking on the journey towards financial security and prosperity requires more than simply making decisions. It also requires strategies to multiply and maximize wealth.

In this episode, Greg DuPont explores the fourth pillar of financial advocacy: Wealth Accumulation. He shares the three big secrets behind it along with valuable insights on how to optimize savings strategies and engage in valuable conversations with your clients. Greg emphasizes the importance of tackling debt and taxes to maximize wealth accumulation.

Greg discusses: 

  • The three secrets of wealth accumulation
  • The drawbacks of relying solely on 401(k) for savings and the need to consider alternative investment options
  • The need to take more risks for higher returns in a pre-tax environment and how shifting to an after-tax world can reduce the required rate of return
  • The goal of Wealth Solutions Network to help the general public with their finances
  • The potential to cut down debt repayment time by being systematic with compound interest and alternative solutions to traditional retirement savings
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont: