Tag: Education

Reflections on Higher Education and Financial Planning (Ep. 29)

Reflections on Higher Education and Financial Planning (Ep. 29)

The processes around higher education are evolving, and so are the financial strategies needed to navigate its costs and benefits.

What do families need to begin planning for the rising costs of college? What impact will technological advancements in AI and learning and information have on traditional education?

This week, Greg DuPont shares his thoughts on the future of higher education and financial planning, sparked by his daughter’s college graduation. He touches on the challenges families face in saving for college, the potential decline of smaller colleges, and the evolving role of technology in education.

Greg discusses: 

  • The high costs of college education and the challenges of saving for it
  • The potential closure of smaller colleges due to financial pressures
  • The impact of technology, like AI, on the need for traditional higher education
  • The future of student loans and their implications for families
  • The importance of flexible financial planning to adapt to changing educational landscapes 
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont:

The Hidden Dangers & Benefits of Life Insurance Policies with David Kottler, J.D., C.A.P. (Ep. 17)

The Hidden Dangers & Benefits of Life Insurance Policies with David Kottler, J.D., C.A.P. (Ep. 17)

Life insurance is more than just a way to protect your loved ones in case of your death. It has the potential to be a powerful tool to enhance your wealth, optimize your taxes, and secure your financial future. 

However, not all life insurance policies are created equal, and many people are unaware of the hidden risks and opportunities that lie within their contracts. 

In this episode, Greg DuPont sits down with David Kottler, The Life Insurance Doctor, to explore the power of life insurance as a wealth protection tool. They touch on the concept of “DOA” (Dead on Arrival) and the critical issues that lead to policy lapses. David shares real-life success stories where he helped clients maximize retirement income and avoid financial loss.

Greg and David discuss: 

  • David’s background as The Life Insurance Doctor
  • The waste that occurs with life insurance policies and the importance of a policy review to eliminate this waste
  • The three critical problems that lead to life insurance lapses: design flaws, omission to fund the policy properly, and a lack of professional review
  • Real-life cases where clients faced potential financial pitfalls with life insurance policies
  • The need for advocates to prioritize clients’ interests, insisting on independent professional reviews
  • And more!


Connect With David Kottler:

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About Our Guest:

David Kottler has helped clients generate over $10MM of cash and tax benefits in the past 12 months utilizing his “True Value” Life Insurance Review Process. Clients need advocates for their life insurance portfolios to both bring the needed information regarding their rights and values as well as uncovering hidden problems and resolving them. Life insurance is a complicated contract with many nuances that most clients and advisors are not aware of.

It is gratifying for him to be in a position to help such clients and enable them to meet their family and legacy goals through his work. His passion is philanthropy. There is a great need for education and guidance for high net-worth clients who wish to align their life goals with their hard-earned wealth to enable them to understand the “Why” component of their planning. His objectives are to collaborate with clients and his strategic relationships to produce the best results for them financially and philanthropically.

Simplifying the Complexity of Indices with Laurence Black (Ep. 13)

Simplifying the Complexity of Indices with Laurence Black (Ep. 13)

Choosing the right index for your investment goals can be a daunting task, especially when there are millions of options available.

How do you know which one is best suited for your risk tolerance, time horizon, and expected returns? How do you evaluate the performance and design of different indexes and ETFs?

These are some of the questions that many investors face when they enter the world of index-linked products.

In this episode, Greg DuPont chats with Laurence Black, Founder of The Index Standard®,  a company that rates and evaluates ETFs and indices used in the insurance and structured product space. They explore the challenge of choosing the right index among the many available and the importance of forward-looking due diligence. Laurence emphasizes the need for diversification and preparing for unforeseen events in the investment world.

Together they discuss: 

  • The importance of taking a forward-looking approach when choosing an index
  • The Index Standard’s three-step forecasting process
  • The significance of diversification in dealing with unknown risks and protecting oneself in the investment world
  • The benefits of exchange traded funds (ETFs) compared to mutual funds
  • How The Index Standard evaluates and categorizes the largest index-linked ETFs based on their robustness and design
  • The valuable insights you’ll gain from the training with Laurence, simplifying the complexity of insurance indices for informed decision-making
  • And more!

Connect With Laurence Black:

Connect with Greg DuPont:

About Our Guest:

Laurence Black is the founder of The Index Standard® and an index advisor to Robert J. Shiller, Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University.

Before founding The Index Standard®, Laurence was Managing Director and Head of Quantitative Indices and Strategies at Barclays, where he oversaw the development of the Barclays index family. In addition to designing some of the first smart beta/factor indices, Laurence spearheaded Barclays’ index partnerships with Professors Robert Shiller and Nouriel Roubini, as well as Novus Partners.

Before Barclays, Laurence was Head of Indices at ABN AMRO in London, where he successfully launched indices with well-known investors such as Jim Rogers and Joel Greenblatt. Before ABN AMRO, Laurence worked at Lehman Brothers, Deutsche Bank, and Credit Suisse.

Laurence holds an MBA from the University of Warwick and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Cape Town. When not thinking about financial matters, he can mostly be found on a tennis court.

Get to Know Your Host: Greg DuPont (Ep. 2)

Get to Know Your Host: Greg DuPont (Ep. 2)

In our inaugural episode, we got to find out a little bit about Greg’s history and most importantly, the idea behind March to a Million podcast and The Wealth Solutions Network. 

In this episode, Greg DuPont shares a little about himself and how he makes a positive impact on the world. He talks about his personal story, what he likes doing in his free time, his motivations for starting the March to a Million movement, and the mindset he maintains daily to grow personally and professionally.

Greg discusses: 

  • What he does to recharge and unwind
  • What he would do with his time if he had all the money and didn’t have to work
  • His advice and recommendations for family, friends and clients
  • How his father’s example of constant lifelong learning influenced him
  • His definition of success 
  • The daily mantra that keeps him focused
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont: