Tag: Dan Sullivan

How Taking Time Off Can Make All the Difference (Ep. 31)

How Taking Time Off Can Make All the Difference (Ep. 31)

Taking time off is crucial for personal and professional growth, but many entrepreneurs struggle to unplug.

How can you prepare your business to thrive without you? What benefits can you gain from truly disconnecting?

This week, Greg DuPont chats about the importance of taking time off and how doing so can lead not only to personal rejuvenation but also to professional growth. Greg shares his insights from a two-week vacation, discussing the steps he took to ensure his businesses thrived in his absence, emphasizing the role of strategic planning and team empowerment.

You’ll be surprised by what a good rest can do for yourself, your career, and for those around you. 

Greg discusses: 

  • The benefits of taking time off for hard-charging entrepreneurs
  • Detailed preparation he took to make himself “worthless” for a month
  • Insights from Dan Sullivan’s approach to free days, focus days, and buffer days
  • The surprising impact of Greg’s absence on his law practice’s revenue
  • And more!



Connect with Greg DuPont:

Get to Know Your Host: Greg DuPont (Ep. 2)

Get to Know Your Host: Greg DuPont (Ep. 2)

In our inaugural episode, we got to find out a little bit about Greg’s history and most importantly, the idea behind March to a Million podcast and The Wealth Solutions Network. 

In this episode, Greg DuPont shares a little about himself and how he makes a positive impact on the world. He talks about his personal story, what he likes doing in his free time, his motivations for starting the March to a Million movement, and the mindset he maintains daily to grow personally and professionally.

Greg discusses: 

  • What he does to recharge and unwind
  • What he would do with his time if he had all the money and didn’t have to work
  • His advice and recommendations for family, friends and clients
  • How his father’s example of constant lifelong learning influenced him
  • His definition of success 
  • The daily mantra that keeps him focused
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont: