Tag: Coaching

The Human Element in Financial Advisory with Lindsay Troxell (Ep. 25)

The Human Element in Financial Advisory with Lindsay Troxell (Ep. 25)

The process of transitioning into retirement involves more than just financial planning; it involves psychological and emotional preparation as well.

How can attorneys and financial advisors provide a more holistic service that addresses the human side of retirement? How can they help clients navigate the emotional complexities of leaving their work identity behind?

This week, Greg DuPont chats with Lindsay Troxell, Founder, CEO, and Head Coach At Our Coaching Initiative. They explore the importance of understanding clients’ emotions, the impact of exhaustion on retirement dreams, and strategies for attorneys and advisors to connect more deeply with their clients.

They discuss:

  • The significance of coaching in the financial advisory space and how it can enhance client relationships
  • The challenges clients face when transitioning from work life to retirement, particularly in terms of emotional readiness and identity
  • The importance of managing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy for a fulfilling retirement
  • How advisors can help clients redefine their purpose and identity post-retirement
  • The art of asking the right questions to facilitate deeper conversations and connections with clients
  • How advisors can overcome feelings of inadequacy when stepping into a coaching role
  • Encouraging a growth mindset among advisors to move from merely surviving to thriving in their profession
  • And more!



Connect With Lindsay Troxell:

Connect with Greg DuPont:


About Our Guest:

Lindsay Troxwell is a Certified Life Coach and International speaker changing the landscape of financial services. Since 2005, Lindsay Troxell has worked on thousands of teams across the United States and in Europe with a focus on practice management, business development, client experience, team dynamics, and mindset.

Transformative Personal Growth in Entrepreneurship (Ep. 19)

Transformative Personal Growth in Entrepreneurship (Ep. 19)

Don’t rest on your laurels! Personal growth is a crucial factor for attorneys and entrepreneurs who want to achieve success and fulfillment in their businesses and lives. 

In this episode, Greg DuPont explores the power of personal growth and development for attorneys and entrepreneurs drawing on lessons from Tony Robbins’ “Date with Destiny.” Greg also dives into historical wisdom from figures like Napoleon Hill and Dan Sullivan, emphasizing mindfulness and seizing opportunities for development. 

Listen in as Greg also highlights the coaching culture at Wealth Solutions Network and the importance of community support.

Greg discusses: 

  • His decision to focus on personal growth and development, influenced by his increasing role as a coach
  • The reliance on research in the systems of Tony Robbins and Dan Sullivan
  • Napoleon Hill’s influence and the impact of his work on success principles
  • His plan to maintain balance, leadership, and focus as the March to a Million initiative grows
  • The power of setting intentions and designing your future to attract opportunities and tools
  • A story illustrating the power of the subconscious, healing, and the cosmic elements of life
  • The coaching-centric culture at Wealth Solutions Network and its impact on client relationships and professional growth
  • And more!



Connect with Greg DuPont:

The Journey from an Attorney to a Financial Advocate (Ep. 1)

The Journey from an Attorney to a Financial Advocate (Ep. 1)

As an attorney, you have undoubtedly sharpened your skills in the intricacies of estate law.

There is, however, one crucial aspect you may have overlooked: confidently guiding your clients through their financial journeys. And that’s where we want to help you.

Welcome to The March to a Million podcast!

In this inaugural episode, Greg DuPont, the founder of the Wealth Solutions Network, shares his mission to positively impact a million lives by 2030 via his goal of empowering attorneys. Greg talks about how he believes that financially minded attorneys can provide valuable services to their clients by taking a holistic approach to their financial planning needs.

Greg discusses: 

  • The need for financially minded attorneys to provide single-point responsibility and solutions for their client’s financial, tax, and legal needs
  • The licensing requirements for attorneys who want to provide investment advice
  • The type of attorney who would be well-suited for the Wealth Solutions Network
  • His educational background and how he became a lawyer and entrepreneur
  • His passion for helping people make good decisions and how he wants to bring that to people through his podcast and other outreach
  • And more!

Connect with Greg DuPont: