Tag: Leadership

How Taking Time Off Can Make All the Difference (Ep. 31)

How Taking Time Off Can Make All the Difference (Ep. 31)

Taking time off is crucial for personal and professional growth, but many entrepreneurs struggle to unplug.

How can you prepare your business to thrive without you? What benefits can you gain from truly disconnecting?

This week, Greg DuPont chats about the importance of taking time off and how doing so can lead not only to personal rejuvenation but also to professional growth. Greg shares his insights from a two-week vacation, discussing the steps he took to ensure his businesses thrived in his absence, emphasizing the role of strategic planning and team empowerment.

You’ll be surprised by what a good rest can do for yourself, your career, and for those around you. 

Greg discusses: 

  • The benefits of taking time off for hard-charging entrepreneurs
  • Detailed preparation he took to make himself “worthless” for a month
  • Insights from Dan Sullivan’s approach to free days, focus days, and buffer days
  • The surprising impact of Greg’s absence on his law practice’s revenue
  • And more!



Connect with Greg DuPont:

Transformative Personal Growth in Entrepreneurship (Ep. 19)

Transformative Personal Growth in Entrepreneurship (Ep. 19)

Don’t rest on your laurels! Personal growth is a crucial factor for attorneys and entrepreneurs who want to achieve success and fulfillment in their businesses and lives. 

In this episode, Greg DuPont explores the power of personal growth and development for attorneys and entrepreneurs drawing on lessons from Tony Robbins’ “Date with Destiny.” Greg also dives into historical wisdom from figures like Napoleon Hill and Dan Sullivan, emphasizing mindfulness and seizing opportunities for development. 

Listen in as Greg also highlights the coaching culture at Wealth Solutions Network and the importance of community support.

Greg discusses: 

  • His decision to focus on personal growth and development, influenced by his increasing role as a coach
  • The reliance on research in the systems of Tony Robbins and Dan Sullivan
  • Napoleon Hill’s influence and the impact of his work on success principles
  • His plan to maintain balance, leadership, and focus as the March to a Million initiative grows
  • The power of setting intentions and designing your future to attract opportunities and tools
  • A story illustrating the power of the subconscious, healing, and the cosmic elements of life
  • The coaching-centric culture at Wealth Solutions Network and its impact on client relationships and professional growth
  • And more!



Connect with Greg DuPont:

The Biggest Highlights from the March to a Million Podcast (Ep. 15)

The Biggest Highlights from the March to a Million Podcast (Ep. 15)

Over the last 14 episodes of the March to a Million podcast, we have shared a significant amount of valuable information about the Wealth Solutions Network and how attorneys can play a vital role in their client’s financial well-being.

Today, we do a recap of all these details and more!

In this episode, Greg DuPont recaps the key points and greatest hits of previous shows. He touches on the birth of the Wealth Solutions Network and the six pillars that form its foundation. Additionally, Greg shares a success story and describes the ideal member for WSN.

Greg discusses: 

  • The genesis of his idea to positively impact 1 million lives by creating an army of financially minded attorneys
  • The six pillars that form the foundation of the Wealth Solutions Network and how they work together to provide solutions
  • The upcoming transfer of wealth and how estate planning attorneys can play a crucial role in this process
  • A success story of how he helped a client inherit a significant amount of wealth and retire comfortably, highlighting the effectiveness of the system
  • The ideal candidate for joining the Wealth Solutions Network
  • His goal for the Founders Club and the purpose of stress testing and establishing proof of concept
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont:

The Journey from an Attorney to a Financial Advocate (Ep. 1)

The Journey from an Attorney to a Financial Advocate (Ep. 1)

As an attorney, you have undoubtedly sharpened your skills in the intricacies of estate law.

There is, however, one crucial aspect you may have overlooked: confidently guiding your clients through their financial journeys. And that’s where we want to help you.

Welcome to The March to a Million podcast!

In this inaugural episode, Greg DuPont, the founder of the Wealth Solutions Network, shares his mission to positively impact a million lives by 2030 via his goal of empowering attorneys. Greg talks about how he believes that financially minded attorneys can provide valuable services to their clients by taking a holistic approach to their financial planning needs.

Greg discusses: 

  • The need for financially minded attorneys to provide single-point responsibility and solutions for their client’s financial, tax, and legal needs
  • The licensing requirements for attorneys who want to provide investment advice
  • The type of attorney who would be well-suited for the Wealth Solutions Network
  • His educational background and how he became a lawyer and entrepreneur
  • His passion for helping people make good decisions and how he wants to bring that to people through his podcast and other outreach
  • And more!

Connect with Greg DuPont: