Tag: Baby Boomers

Is the Stock Market a Ponzi Scheme? (Ep. 27)

Is the Stock Market a Ponzi Scheme? (Ep. 27)

The financial world is abuzz with debates and discussions, but one question looms large: Is the stock market nothing more than a sophisticated Ponzi scheme?

This week on the March to a Million podcast, Greg DuPont explores the controversial comparison of the stock market’s operations to a typical Ponzi scheme, giving you the official definition of a Ponzi scheme to compare and contrast how the behaviors relate to the current market. He also discusses what these implications mean  for investors and the legal profession.

Greg discusses: 

  • The legitimacy of the stock market’s operations, likening it to a Ponzi scheme and expressing concerns over its sustainability
  • The current financial guidance system, emphasizing the need for attorneys to understand and break the cycle of what he perceives as a flawed system
  • The commoditization of investment advice and how it affects consumer choices and the industry at large
  • The impending wealth transfer from baby boomers and its potential impact on the stock market’s stability
  • The fee structures in financial services and whether they truly serve the best interests of clients
  • How attorneys can break the cycle of poor financial guidance and better serve their clients
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont:

The Membership Levels of the Wealth Solutions Network (Ep. 10)

The Membership Levels of the Wealth Solutions Network (Ep. 10)

You may have heard about the advantages that estate planning attorneys can gain by becoming a part of the Wealth Solutions Network through our podcasts. 

However, you may be curious about how to participate in a way that matches your goals.

Today, we are here to assist you with that!

In this episode, Greg DuPont explains the different membership levels offered by the Wealth Solutions Network, including mindset, skill set, tool set, and leadership. Each of these levels provides attorneys with various benefits and resources to enhance their knowledge, skills, and business success.

Greg discusses: 

  • The transformative vision of the Wealth Solutions Network and its multi-level membership structure for estate planning attorneys
  • The benefits of the Mindset Level, emphasizing its core values, access to a community of like-minded attorneys, newsletters, referral tools, and more
  • The Skill Set Level, which includes marketing support and access to the Advocate Access and the Advocate Aware programs
  • The Tool Set Level, which offers turnkey solutions, back office support, and emphasizing problem-solving over product sales
  • The Leadership Level, emphasizing the opportunity to mentor and support other WSN members
  • The opportunity for estate planning attorneys to help baby boomers with their retirement and the importance of being prepared for the wealth transfer
  • And more!


Connect with Greg DuPont: